The legendary NWU arch juxtaposed by green trees and blue sky.
Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff


Eighteen Nebraska Wesleyan University students who are interested in refugee and immigration issues will spend part of their winter break in Arizona for a service project.

Members of the student organization Global Service Learning will travel to Tucson, Arizona, on January 4 where they will work with the Iskashitaa Refugee Harvesting Network.


During the 2009-2010 fiscal year Nebraska Wesleyan University received over $1,000,000 from corporations, foundations and organizations.

The following is a list of organizations that gave at the Corporate Leadership level ($5,000 or more). If you interact with any of these organizations, please take a moment to thank them for their support of NWU.


Rachel Droogsma understands what its like to be in the minority.

Droogsma earned both her master’s degree and Ph.D from Howard University, a historically black university. That experience significantly shaped her personal and professional interests. Now she is teaching intercultural and gender communication classes at Nebraska Wesleyan University.


When students return to Nebraska Wesleyan University on August 23, campus for the most part will look much like it did when they left in May. But summer was anything but quiet.

New theme houses were spruced up, a new outdoor track was built, new administrators got up to speed on their new responsibilities, and professors plotted out new ways to teach their courses.


Nebraska Wesleyan University senior Alexandra Hartmann says her heart lies in many places around the world.

She’s done service work in Malawi, Nicaragua and Guatemala with Nebraska Wesleyan’s Global Service Learning. She’s been to Montreal for the American Academy of Religion Annual Conference. She’s visited friends who are studying in various pockets of the world.