On an early spring day, four students sit outside Acklie Hall at a table with an umbrella.
Office of Student Life

Contact or visit us

Student Life
Roy Story Student Center
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2223

Office of Student Life

As our name suggests, Nebraska Wesleyan’s Office of Student Life cares about your entire life as an NWU student. We care about your safety, your shelter, your health and nutrition. We care about your emotional well-being, your engagement on campus and your connections with classmates. And we care about the direction your working life is headed.

Use our services and resources as you set out to make the very most of your Nebraska Wesleyan experience.


Additional Student Life Information

Legal services for students

Nebraska Wesleyan provides no legal assistance for individual students or student groups unless they are functioning as an authorized representative of the University. Nebraska Legal Services is available at (402) 435-2161.

Discount tickets to Lied Center performances

Nebraska Wesleyan full-time traditional undergraduate students are eligible to purchase discounted tickets to most performances at the Lied Center for Performing Arts, located at 301 North 12th Street. Nebraska Wesleyan University student activity fees cover the remaining cost of discounted tickets. Reservations can be made at the box office in person or by telephone (402) 472-4747. An NWU student ID is required for purchase of tickets and for entrance to the performance. The discount cannot be applied if tickets are ordered online.

Ventures in Partnership (VIP)

Nebraska Wesleyan University maintains a partnership with Huntington Elementary School. Huntington students are invited to serve as ball boys or girls for our athletic teams. They also have provided cards on special occasions such as Valentine’s Day when every Nebraska Wesleyan student and every campus office receives a handmade card. Every Thanksgiving, NWU students, staff and faculty provide food baskets to Huntington families. Many students and student organizations work with Huntington Elementary School children on philanthropy or service projects by serving as tutors or readers, having holiday parties, sponsoring athletic teams and sharing musical or theatrical talents. If you or an organization you belong to is interested in having some fun and being a part of VIP, contact the Service Learning Office at (402) 465-2413.