The legendary NWU arch juxtaposed by green trees and blue sky.
Monday, June 19, 2023


It’s no secret that NWU has a stellar record with Prestige Scholarships. But did you know that you can still apply for some of these opportunities as an alum?


Join recent Prestige Scholarship recipients Lucy Sjulin ‘15, Corinne Peterson ‘19, and Sam Redfern ‘21 to learn more about international teaching opportunities with the Fulbright or JET programs and scholarships for international or international-focused graduate study via other prestige scholarship programs.


Dr. Karla Jensen and Dr. Cathy Nelson will host this discussion on why you might consider applying for these life-changing opportunities and how NWU can support you along the way.

Old Main on NWU's Campus
May 25, 2023 - noon

Virtual Event via Zoom

Attend a virtual workshop hosted by NWU alumnus Joshua Berry '04, author, innovator and entrepreneur, on how to evolve your limiting beliefs to achieve less stress, more success, and greater ripples of impact in your work and personal life. RSVP to alumni [at] (alumni[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) or 402-465-2568.

NWU alumnus Joshua Berry '04
April 20, 2023

On campus and online

One day to celebrate NWU together! Generous donors match every Giving Day gift dollar for dollar. Your gift to the Archway Fund makes the NWU experience possible this year and every year.

NWU Giving Day surrounding sleek arch graphic in grey and gold
February 9, 2023 - 6:30 p.m.

Virtual Event. Please RSVP to alumni [at] (alumni[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) to receive the Zoom link.

In this highly interactive one-hour workshop, participants will (a) examine the meaning of collaboration; (b) learn the two factors that drive truly “collaborGREAT” relationships; and (c) explore research-backed strategies for creating high-quality collaborative relationships in the workplace and beyond. Leading this workshop is alum, social psychologist and author of Collabor(h)ate Deb Mashek ('97)

Deb Mashek, a woman with long brown hair, smiles at the camera. She is wearing an orange blazer and is situated in front of a white and orange background.