Transfer College Credit
Undergraduate students wishing to transfer a course(s) from another institution should secure in advance the approval of the Registrar's Office. Credits from regionally-accredited institutions, with grades of "C-" or above, may transfer to Nebraska Wesleyan.
In order to transfer credits to Nebraska Wesleyan University, students are responsible for requesting an official copy of college transcripts to be sent directly to Nebraska Wesleyan University. Official transcripts can be sent via an approved electronic service by the sending college/university, such as the National Student Clearinghouse or Parchment. Alternatively, official transcripts can be mailed to Nebraska Wesleyan University, Registrar's Office, 5000 St Paul Ave, Lincoln, NE 68504. Transcripts that are hand-carried, faxed, emailed, or marked "issued to student" are not accepted as official and cannot be utilized to evaluate or issue transfer credit.
Current NWU Students will receive a "Transfer Credits Posted" confirmation message via NWU student email approximately 7-10 business days after receipt of an official transcript for transfer credit. Prospective NWU Students should work directly their designated Admissions Counselor to navigate the transfer process.
- Advanced Placement Exams
Advanced Placement Test Test Name Minimum Required Test Score NWU Equivalent Course NWU Credits AFRICAN AMER African American Studies 4 HIST-2540 4 ART HIST Art History 4 ARH-ELECT 3 BIOLOGY AP Biology 4 BIO-1010 4 CALC AB SUB AP Calculus AB Subscore 3 MATH-1600 5 CALCULUS AB AP Calculus AB 3 MATH-1600 5 CALCULUS BC AP Calculus BC 3 MATH-1600 5 MATH-1610 5 CHEMISTRY AP Chemistry 3 CHEM-1110 3 CHEM-1110L 1 CHINESE LANG 3 AP Chinese Language & Culture 3 MCHIN-1010 5 MCHIN-1020 5 CHINESE LANG 5 AP Chinese Language & Culture 5 MCHIN-1010 5 MCHIN-1020 5 MCHIN-2020 5 COMP GOVT Comparative Govt & Pol 4 POLSC-ELECT 3 COMP SCI A AP Computer Science A 3 MATH-MT 3 COMP SCI PRINC AP Computer Science Principle 3 TRANS-TECH 3 ECON-MAC AP Macroeconomics 4 ECON-1530 3 ECON-MIC AP Microeconomics 4 ECON-1540 3 ENGLISH LANG AP English Language & Comp 3 ENG-1010 3 ENGLISH LIT AP English Literature & Comp 3 ENG-1020 3 ENVI SCIENCE AP Environmental Science 4 BIO-1300 4 EUROPEAN HIST AP European History 4 HIST-ELECT 3 FRENCH LANG 3 AP French Language 3 MFREN-1010 4 MFREN-1020 4 FRENCH LANG 5 AP French Language 5 MFREN-1010 4 MFREN-1020 4 MFREN-2010 4 MFREN-2020 4 GERMAN LANG 3 AP German Language 3 MGRMN-1010 4 MGRMN-1020 4 GERMAN LANG 5 AP German Language 5 MGRMN-1010 4 MGRMN-1020 4 MGRMN-2010 4 MGRMN-2020 4 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY AP Human Geography 3 GEOG-1520 3 JAPANESE LANG 3 AP Japanese Language & Culture 3 MJPAN-1010 5 MJPAN-1020 5 JAPANESE LANG 5 AP Japanese Language & Culture 5 MJPAN-1010 5 MJPAN-1020 5 MJPAN-2010 5 MJPAN-2020 5 LATIN AP Latin 3 MLANG-ELECT 4 LATIN 5 AP Latin 5 MLANG-ELECT 5 MUSIC THEORY AP Music Theory 5 MUSIC-1610 3 PHYS EM AP Physics C: Electric & Magnet 3 PHYS-2100 4 PHYSICS 1 AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based 3 PHYS-1600 4 PHYSICS 2 AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based 3 PHYS-1700 4 PHYSICS C-MECH AP Physics C: Mechanics 3 PHYS-2000 4 PRECALCULUS AP Pre-Calculus 3 MATH-1400 4 PSYCHOLOGY AP Psychology 3 PSYCH-1010 4 SEMINAR AP Seminar 3 TRANS-ELEC 3 SPAN LIT & CULT AP Spanish Literature & Culture 4 MSPAN-3030 2 SPANISH LANG 3 AP Spanish Language & Culture 3 MSPAN-1010 4 MSPAN-1020 4 SPANISH LANG 5 AP Spanish Language & Culture 5 MSPAN-1010 4 MSPAN-1020 4 MSPAN-2010 4 MSPAN-2020 4 STATISTICS AP Statistics 3 MATH-1300 3 US GOV POL AP U.S. Government & Politics 4 POLSC-1010 4 US HISTORY AP United States History 4 HIST-1010 3 HIST-1020 3 WORLD HISTORY AP World History: Modern 4 HIST-1110 3 - CLEP Exams
CLEP Placement Test Test Name Minimum Required Test Score NWU Equivalent Course NWU Credits ACCOUNTING Principles of Accounting 55 ACCT-1310 3 AMER GOVT American Government 55 POLSC-1010 4 BIOLOGY Biology 50 BIO-1010 4 BUSINESS LAW Business Law 55 BUSAD-2700 3 CALCULUS Calculus 60 MATH-1600 5 CHEMISTRY Chemistry 51 CHEM-1110 3 CHEM-1110L 1 COLLEGE ALGEBRA College Algebra 50 MATH-1100 3 COLLEGE COMP College Composition 50 ENG-1010 3 COMP MODULAR Comp Modular W/Essay 50 ENG-1020 3 COMPOSITION College Comp W/Lit 55 ENG-1010 3 FRENCH LANG French Language 55 MFREN-1010 4 MFREN-1020 4 FRENCH LANG 4 French Language 65 MFREN-1010 4 MFREN-1020 4 MFREN-2010 4 MFREN-2020 4 GERMAN LANG German Language 55 MGRMN-1010 4 MGRMN-1020 4 GERMAN LANG 4 German Language 65 MGRMN-1010 4 MGRMN-1020 4 MGRMN-2010 4 MGRMN-2020 4 GROWTH/DEVELOP Human Growth & Development 55 PSYCH-2350 4 HISTORY I Hist of US: to 1877 50 HIST-1010 3 HISTORY II Hist of Us Ii:1865-Present 50 HIST-1020 3 INFO SYSTEMS Info Systems/Comp App 52 TRANS-ELEC 3 LITERATURE Analyzing & Interpret Lit 50 ENG-1020 3 MACROECON Macroeconomics 50 ECON-1530 3 MANAGEMENT Prin of Management 50 BUSAD-2500 3 MARKETING Prin of Marketing 50 BUSAD-2000 3 MICROECON Microeconomics 50 ECON-1540 3 PRECALCULUS Precalculus 60 MATH-1400 4 PSYCHOLOGY Psychology, Introduction 55 PSYCH-1010 4 SOCIOLOGY Sociology, Introductory 55 SOC-1110 4 SPAN LANG LEV 1 Spanish Language 50 MSPAN-1010 4 MSPAN-1020 4 SPAN LANG LEV 2 Spanish Language 63 MSPAN-1010 4 MSPAN-1020 4 MSPAN-2010 4 SPAN WRTG LEV 1 Spanish With Writing 1 50 MSPAN-1010 4 MSPAN-1020 4 SPAN WRTG LEV 2 Spanish With Writing 2 63 MSPAN-1010 4 MSPAN-1020 4 MSPAN-2010 4 WEST CIV I Ancient Near East to 1648 50 HIST-1110 3 WEST CIV II 1648 to the Present 50 HIST-1110 3