Three NWU Students Win Gilman International Scholarships to Study Abroad

Three NWU Students Win Gilman International Scholarships to Study Abroad


Nebraska Wesleyan University sophomore Gabe Taylor fondly remembers the University Choir’s international tour to Estonia last summer. He enjoyed the country so much that he called his mom from Estonia saying he didn’t want to come home.

Thanks to a Gilman International Scholarship, Taylor will return to Estonia for his spring semester.

“I hope to gain friendships and the ability to adapt to a new environment and learn a new language,” said Taylor, an exercise science major from Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Taylor and two other Nebraska Wesleyan University undergraduates are among the latest Gilman International Scholarship winners. A highly competitive national scholarship, the award provides up to $5,000 for study abroad program expenses.

Emma Hoffman, a junior theatre major from Fremont, leaves in February for a semester in Uruguay where she will continue to study Spanish as well as participate in a film studies program at the Universidad Catolica del Uruguay. Ben Schilling, a junior accounting major from McCook leaves in early January for Hong Kong.

Schilling admits he never considered studying abroad until coming to Nebraska Wesleyan University. After hearing about several study abroad experiences from his friends as well as receiving advice from his business professors and local business leaders about the importance of international study, he decided to give it a try.

“I hope to be thrown outside my comfort zone and push myself to understand and function in a foreign society,” he said.

Schilling said he chose Hong Kong because it serves as a gateway into mainland China and because the special administrative region has one of the freest economies in the world.

“It’s a critical time to learn international business and culture because more and more corporations are competing on a global scale,” said Schilling.

Hoffman said she chose to attend Nebraska Wesleyan University because of its strong study abroad program, but she admits that studying in Uruguay wasn’t top on her list.

“Now I feel that no other place could suit me better,” she said.

Hoffman hopes the opportunity to study the creative and technical aspects of film will give her necessary experience to prepare her for a career in the film industry. Her first major film project will be video blogs of her Uruguay experience.

Gilman scholars are required to carry out a follow-on service project that promotes international education and the Gilman Scholarship Program.

Nebraska Wesleyan University students have won a total of 20 Gilman Scholarships since the award was created in 2001.