Four NWU students standing in front of a European river and city.
Things to Consider

Contact or visit us

Office of Global Engagement
Lower-level Story Student Center
Lincoln, NE 68504
studyabroad [at] (studyabroad[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Things to Consider

Depending on the program, there will be a number of things to consider before you go abroad.


Some non-exchange programs and our sister schools either don’t provide housing or allow off-campus residency. Searching for your own housing can actually lead to some affordable options, so make sure that you consider where you will live when you go abroad.

Getting a Job

For some abroad programs and for some countries, you may have the opportunity to get a job. Usually, visas only allow you to get a job if you are there for at least a semester, but rules vary by country.


Similar to housing, some non-exchange programs and our sister schools (except for University of Tartu) will not provide meals for you. This is another opportunity for you to potentially save money by keeping yourself on a budget for groceries. Ask locals and your abroad university’s study abroad office about where to shop for affordable food. It is probably not a good idea to get delivery every day, if you want to save money!

Going Out

Of course, when you go abroad you might want to enjoy the nightlife of your new city. For some countries, nightlife might be a big part of their culture, especially for students. If you want to stay on a budget, keep on the lookout for special deals that some locations might have on certain days and take advantage of them. Remember to study abroad responsibly!

Traveling While Abroad

Consider all of your options when travelling abroad. Other countries tend to have very nice and affordable public transportation systems, so look into busses and trains before getting your new friend to drive you across the country. Even plane tickets can be much more affordable in other countries. Within Europe, plane tickets can sell for around $30 or $40!