Female student looking at a large monitor surrounded by cubicles with large monitors.
SECURITY ALERT: Two new email scams reported

SECURITY ALERT: Two new email scams reported


Welcome back from the Memorial Day holiday! 

CSIT has received reports this morning from several faculty and staff of two new instances of malicious email scams reaching NWU mailboxes.  Both are instances of a scam which attempts to engage the recipient in a process leading to the purchase of something of value (e.g., gift cards) and transferring that value to the scammer.

The first of the two instances, fortunately, is transparent.  The message originate from “Vivia Fowler (presidentedu1246 [at] gmail.com)” and asks the email recipient to respond by text message with their cell phone to get information on a task to be performed.  The message is signed “Vivia Fowler, president, Wesleyan College”.   Bad grammar, wrong institution targeted for the scam and the wrong name of the institution President.

The second of the two instances is only marginally better.  The message originates from “Dr. Frederik Ohles (ohles.dr.frederik [at] my.com)” and has the Subject “Urgently”.  This scam, too, asks the recipient to respond immediately to be tasked for some type of favor.  It is signed “President, Dr. Frederik Ohles”.

Should you discover either of these message in your NWU mailbox, please do NOT engage with the sender.  Delete them immediately.  If you have already mistakenly responded to one of these messages, please stop corresponding with the sender immediately.  Thanks,