Archway Curriculum

Archway Curriculum

The Archway Curriculum integrates learning across disciplinary boundaries, enhances learning through non-classroom experiences, and weaves skill development throughout the academic program. Students will have frequent opportunities to develop fundamental skills in communicating effectively and thinking critically. Through this curriculum, students will be exposed to a broad range of topics and perspectives, enhancing their understanding of the world.

The Association of American Colleges and Universities has pointed to NWU as a national role model for 21st century liberal arts education.

At NWU, you’ll work with professors who engage, challenge and mentor you. They help you connect your successful career with a purposeful life.


Contact or visit us

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Academic Affairs Office, Smith-Curtis 311
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln NE 68504
(402) 465-2110
Fax (402) 465-2537

Rock Band: The Class

The Rock Band Class is a great example of our unique curriculum. Part of the chaos thread, this class is designed for music novices. Students do much of the learning on their own with measured guidance from music professor Amy Spears. The result is a band all their own all the while gaining problem-solving skills that they will use the rest of their lives.