Panoramic view of Old Main and Acklie Hall of Science.
Faculty and Staff Respond to Distance Learning

Faculty and Staff Respond to Distance Learning

  • Professor Scott Stanfield
  • Professor Scott Stanfield

Dear Friend of NWU:

NWU faculty and staff are working tirelessly to provide current students with the same exceptional experience and strong personal relationships that make the NWU experience unique. Like many of us, they’re reflecting on what makes NWU so special.

Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion Jonathan Redding continues to feel the comradery and collegiality that prepared faculty and staff to make the transition to distance learning: “Faculty, staff and the administration are in constant email connection. I’ve never once felt like I’ve been doing this on my own. The university has been there for me and it’s been there for my students, so that I can be there for my students.”

Professor of English Scott Stanfield knows how such collegiality and the cross-disciplinary work of the Archway curriculum impacts students’ education and his scholarly life. “Before I came to NWU I taught at several bigger places where I didn’t even know everyone in the English department, much less other departments. But here I’m on a first-name basis with people in biology, history, philosophy and religion, sociology and psychology; and we can get together and organize this amazing, innovative way of delivering the curriculum.”

Assistant Dean of Student Success and Residential Education Brandi Sestak is focused on the future as she mourns the loss of this semester’s events. “I’m so proud of the way our community has pulled together during this time. In residential education, we were not ready to say goodbye to our residents for the year yet. But we’re keeping our eye on the prize—and that’s healthy students.”

Dean of Undergraduate Programs Kathy Wolfe ’90 reminds us that NWU has prepared us all to listen well, adapt quickly and innovate to rise to the occasion: “In this crisis, there is so much creativity and generosity and resilience around here.”

NWU is still here. Students, departments, campus offices, and sports teams are connecting with one another through social media in innovative and intentional ways. We’re building community even from afar. And we’re looking forward to the future with hope and anticipation and joy. Assistant Dean Brandi Sestak reflects on her best memories of NWU: “My favorite day of the academic year is watching second-year students return to campus. I love watching those confident, excited students come back. A typical year is so joyful, and I can’t even imagine yet what our reunion on campus is going to be like. I’m excited for it, and I’m planning for it.”

We’re all looking ahead to when we can welcome students, friends and alumni back to campus. In the meantime, we’re keeping in touch through digital means and would love to hear from you. 


Shelley Benischek McHugh ’91
Director of Alumni Relations