Submit a Class Note

Submit a Class Note

You can submit your news to Class Notes right here. Right now.

Submit your personal and professional milestones—like marriage, the birth or adoption of a child, or significant career advancements—to share with your NWU community. We are also honored to receive notice of an alumnus or alumna's passing from family members. To protect your privacy, class notes will be included only in the print version of Archways and will not be archived online.


Class Note
Maximum 3 files.
10 MB limit.

Contact a classmate

Looking to reconnect with a classmate? Contact the Alumni Relations office, and we'll help you try to get back in touch. or
(402) 465-2568

Contact or visit us

Nebraska Wesleyan University Alumni Office
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2123