Two male students in a room. One student's shirt reads, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
NWU offers PTK students direct admission


Nebraska Wesleyan University
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2218
transferadmissions [at] (transferadmissions[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

NWU offers PTK students direct admission

Badge logo for PTK Honor Roll.

Nebraska Wesleyan University recognizes the strengths of Phi Theta Kappa students. That’s why PTK members receive direct admission to NWU. 

Take Advantage of Direct Admission

Choose from 101 areas of study when you transfer to a full-time bachelor’s degree program in Lincoln. Benefit from NWU’s small class sizes, personal advising, close campus community, and exclusive scholarships.

Nebraska Wesleyan University is proud to be named to Phi Theta Kappa's 2024 Transfer Honor Roll.  

Scholarships for PTK members

Every PTK member who transfers to Nebraska Wesleyan's traditional undergraduate program in Lincoln is eligible to receive one of these two awards:

  • $29,000 Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Scholarship

    Automatic, renewable $29,000 award for every PTK transfer student

  • Access NWU Full Tuition Scholarship

    Automatic, renewable full-tuition award for all students who are eligible for a Federal Pell Grant. Learn more about the Access NWU Full Tuition Scholarship.

$1,000 Campus or Virtual Visit Grant

You automatically receive this renewable $1,000 grant when you tour campus or arrange a virtual visit. (Limit 1). Schedule your campus visit


Picture of Ruth Ekka

PTK transfer finds success at NWU

Ruth Ekka ('23), an international student from Kolkata, West Bengal, India, came to Nebraska Wesleyan after graduating from SCC. At NWU, Ruth studied social work and psychology and became active in the university's International Justice Mission chapter. She earned the Mary Butler Award for diversity inclusion, the Student Life Leadership Award for her influence on campus and the White Award for Internationalization.