Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies

Student-Directed Productions Graphic

A plane crashes on a deserted island. The only survivors are a group of schoolgirls. By day, they discover fantastic wildlife and dazzling beaches, learning to survive; at night, they are haunted by nightmares of a primitive beast. Orphaned by society, it isn't long before their innocent childhood games devolve into a savage, murderous hunt. 

Performance dates

Written by
William Golding

Adapted for the stage by
Nigel Williams

NWU Theatre Box Office

The box office is available Monday-Friday, 3-5 p.m. when classes are in session and one hour before performances.

(402) 465-2384
Elder Theatre Center
5100 Huntington Avenue

Ticket Policies

  • Each person must have an individual ticket.
  • Tickets may be exchanged for a another performance within the 2023–2024 season if arranged with 24-hour notice.
  • All sales are final.
  • Sales tax will be added to each purchase.
  • Seating begins one half hour prior to the performance. Late seating is not guaranteed.
  • Seating in McDonald Theatre is reserved. All other venues use general seating.
  • Your presence at a performance constitutes your consent to be photographed or recorded for promotional use by NWU.