Pre-Occupational Therapy Education

Pre-Occupational Therapy Education

Admission to a master’s or doctor of occupational therapy school (2- or 3-year program) requires pre-requisites including: one year of anatomy and physiology as well as coursework in psychology, ethics, medical terminology and statistics. Students typically take the GRE during the summer between their junior and senior year at NWU. Our graduates have a 95 percent acceptance rate (5-year average) into OT programs nationwide.

Regional Master's (MOT) and Doctorate (DOT) OT programs include:

  • Nebraska Methodist College (MOT)
  • University of Nebraska Medical Center (DOT)
  • Creighton University (DOT)
  • Washington University (DOT)
  • Colorado State University (DOT)
  • University of South Dakota (DOT)
  • Saint Ambrose University (DOT)
  • Rockhurst University (MOT)
  • University of Missouri (MOT)
  • University of Kansas Medical Center (MOT)

Information about these and other programs can be found at The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. (AOTA).

Contact HHP Assistant Professor

Dr. Tamra Llewellyn
(402) 465-2450