Aerial view of Old Main in the fall at dusk.
Weather Closing Policy

Weather Closing Policy

Policy title
Weather Closing Policy
Campus Communication
Marketing / Public Relations
Travel and Off Campus Activities
Public Relations
Approved by
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Purpose of this policy

Procedures for closing the university because of weather conditions

Policy statement

Procedures for closing the university because of weather conditions

The decision to close the University due to dangerous or threatening weather conditions is made by the Provost in consultation with the Vice President for Finance and Administration. 

If conditions are different in Omaha than Lincoln, a decision to cancel classes in Omaha will be made by the Provost after consultation with staff on the Omaha instructional site. Affected students, faculty and staff at the Omaha site will be notified of any such cancellation by email, Canvas, or through the Director of Public Relations as may be appropriate under the circumstances.

When a decision to close the University is made, the Vice President for Finance & Administration will contact the Director of Public Relations who will notify faculty, staff and students immediately through the Wesleyan Alert System. A decision to close should be made by 6 a.m. for daytime closing and by 2:30 p.m. for cancellation of evening classes and events.

Weather closing announcements are initially made through the Wesleyan Alert System as well as sent via email, posted to the NWU website and announced through the local media. A list of local media who will announce school closing information can be found at

Selected positions have been identified as essential during weather closings (e.g. security, residence life, food service, maintenance, grounds and custodial). Essential employees should report to work. Unless a position has been specifically identified as essential during a weather closing, the employee should assume their services are not required.

Typically, all public events will be cancelled. A decision not to cancel a previously scheduled public event will be made by the Provost after consulting with the event sponsor in conjunction and the Director of Physical Plant. They will determine whether the campus building can be safely utilized, sidewalks and parking lots can be cleared to allow for safe passage of the public and predicted weather conditions are acceptable. In consultation with the event sponsor, a decision will be made on whether the event can be properly staffed. Providing essential services to residential students takes priority over service to a public event. 

Weather closing questions can be directed to the Director of Public Relations. (465-2185). Questions pertaining to compensation for hours worked in such situations may be addressed to Human Resources (465-2120).