Working on Campus

Working on Campus

  • working on campus
  • working on campus

by Joe Warner

NWU’s campus jobs carry advantages for students that reach beyond the extra income.

  • For students living on campus—it’s the perfect commute.
  • It’s a guarantee your student’s supervisor will understand: Schoolwork comes first.
  • Most positions support your student’s career development and give them more opportunity to engage with NWU’s amazing professors and staff.
  • Some positions even involve local community service.


Most students—including incoming first-year, transfer and international students—are eligible to work on campus. Students may hold more than one campus job, so long as they work under 15 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters. 

Time management

It’s not easy to juggle the demands of school, campus involvement, work, family and friends. College is the perfect place for your student to hone the time-management skills that will serve them well for decades to come.

We maintain a 15-hour cap on weekly work to help our students maintain a healthy balance. And we don’t allow students to work during their classes’ regular timeslots.

We may permit students to work up to 40 hours per week when classes are not in session. Student workers may qualify for free summer housing by meeting certain criteria.


Students search and apply for campus jobs on Handshake, NWU’s career planning platform. Your student should have already received an email about how to create and access their Handshake account. 

We post positions for the fall within the first two weeks of August. Some positions may open sporadically throughout the year. We encourage interested students to set job posting alerts on Handshake. 

Experts at the Career Center (career [at] (career[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)) can help your student navigate Handshake. And I’m happy to answer any questions they have about campus work. They can reach me at jwarner [at] (jwarner[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Joe Warner



Joe Warner is the assistant director of financial aid.

Dates to Remember: 

March 10-16
Spring break

April 18-21
Easter break

April 30
Research Symposium

May 5-9
Finals week

May 10