A father says good by to his daughters with a hug.
Help Your Student Take the Wheel @ the Hub

Help Your Student Take the Wheel @ the Hub

  • Staff member working with student
  • Staff member working with student

by Melissa Hayes

Nebraska Wesleyan University just made it easier for your student to find the academic support services they need to be successful. 

The new Academic Success Collaborative @ the Hub is located on the first floor of Cochrane-Woods Library. Known as “the campus living room,” this central location is a one-stop shop for academic support at Nebraska Wesleyan. 

Our approach helps your student recognize that support and collaboration are integral parts of the Nebraska Wesleyan experience. 

The Hub is where these four “spokes” come together: 

  • Library Services
  • Accessibility Services
  • Academic Advising
  • Cooper Center for Academic Resources 

By bringing these supports together, your student can now access a full range of services—like research help, supplemental advising and peer tutoring—without navigating multiple facilities on campus. 

The Hub’s mission is to empower every student to thrive by fostering a supportive, compassionate and inclusive academic environment that nurtures the whole person. 

Encourage your student to visit the Academic Success Collaborative @ the Hub. 

Melissa Hayes



Melissa Hayes is director of the Cooper Center for Academic Resources.

Dates to Remember: 

April 18-21
Easter break

April 30
Research Symposium

May 5-9
Finals week

May 10