A father says good by to his daughters with a hug.
Advice on Academic Advising

Advice on Academic Advising

  • Advising
  • Advising

Early November means it’s advising and registration season. This is when your student will meet with their advisor to discuss how things are going this fall and make a plan for their next semester at Nebraska Wesleyan.

At NWU, professors serve as advisors to guide and support students on their academic journey.

New first-year students have a double-dose of support. Their advisor is also their Archway Seminar instructor. This approach ensures new students have frequent contact with their advisor, making it even easier to access the support they need. The Archway Seminar also teaches first-year students about the Archway Curriculum’s requirements and the logistics of building a schedule and registering.

Personal attention is one of our core values. Our hands-on approach to academic advising is one way we ensure every student gets the support they need to thrive.

During advising, new students will get their questions answered about registration and major selection. Students further in their journey may be planning internships, research experiences or study abroad. Students who are approaching graduation benefit from a complete review of their degree progress to ensure they’re on track. And every student has the chance to discuss their victories and challenges this semester, finding support and connection to campus resources.

Students with senior standing (90 or more completed hours) will begin registering on November 12, continuing through November 21 for first-year students (25.5 completed hours or less). Students are notified of their specific registration window via email and can view it by logging into their Self-Service account.

Your student belongs at Nebraska Wesleyan. And we know they’re capable of great things. If your student is struggling, please encourage them to contact their advisor to access the resources they need. My office, the Office of Academic Advising, is also here for extra support. 

C.J. Venable



C. J. Venable is NWU’s director of academic advising.

Dates to Remember: 

April 18-21
Easter break

April 30
Research Symposium

May 5-9
Finals week

May 10