Fulbright Scholarship Sends NWU Alumna to Spain

Fulbright Scholarship Sends NWU Alumna to Spain


Lucy Sjulin listened closely to Spanish professor Rita Ricaurte talk about a faculty-led summer trip to Alicante, Spain. It was Sjulin’s first year at Nebraska Wesleyan and the opportunity to travel seemed appealing.

Little did she know that first trip to Spain would lead to multiple study abroad experiences and a Fulbright Scholarship.

Sjulin, who graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan in 2015 with degrees in Spanish and global studies, will spend the next year in Madrid thanks to a Fulbright Scholarship. She will teach English at a secondary school and coach students as they prepare for Model United Nations conferences.

The Fulbright Scholarship is the flagship international education program sponsored by the United States government. Fifty-four NWU students have won the prestigious honor with 31 of the awards earned in the past decade.

“NWU was without a doubt the perfect place for me to explore and grow in my passions for travel, culture and international affairs,” said the Omaha native.

Sjulin eagerly filled her passport while at Nebraska Wesleyan. After accompanying Ricaute on that summer trip to Alicante, Sjulin decided she wanted more and stayed there for the following fall semester and then studied in Mexico the following spring. Her Spanish major required an internship, which took her to Chile during the summer of 2014. Her senior year was highlighted by a collaborative research project with Spanish professor Cathy Nelson. Their research on global quinoa trade took them to Bolivia. Add to that her membership in the student organization Global Service Learning, which took her on summer service trips to Fiji and Nicaragua.

“I am so grateful for all of these experiences that definitely shaped my career and life goals and led me to apply and be qualified for the Fulbright.”

Sjulin is especially excited to mentor students for Model United Nations conferences. She helped reestablish Nebraska Wesleyan’s Model UN Chapter. The organization provides opportunities for students to travel and participate in simulated United Nations negotiations.

Following her year in Madrid, Sjulin plans to attend graduate school and pursue work in foreign relations. She hopes to someday teach international politics and development.

“Studying abroad and making connections with locals in different countries helped me realize we are all citizens of the same earth,” she said. “I feel we have a true responsibility and obligation to advocate for each other, regardless of the divides of borders or nationalities.

“The chance to act as an ambassador of our country through programs like the Fulbright,” she continued, “encourages me to strive even harder for change.”