Prestigious Scholarships

Prestigious Scholarships

Undergraduate Tuition, Fees and Books

ScholarshipDegree/CareerEligibilityNWU Faculty AdvisorLengthValueDeadline
GoldwaterSciences, MathematicsSophomore, JuniorGary Gerald1-2 years$7,500 annuallyJanuary
UdallSciences, EnvironmentSophomore, JuniorCathy Nelson, Karla Jensen1 year$5,000 annuallyFebruary
NOAA/HollingsSciences, Mathematics, EducationSophomore, JuniorJerry Bricker9 monthsup to $8,000January


International Study

ScholarshipDegree/CareerEligibilityNWU Faculty AdvisorLengthValueDeadline
BorenCritical Languages; National SecuritySophomore, Junior, SeniorCathy Nelson, Karla Jensensummer, semester, full yearup to $20,000February
Critical LanguageAny LanguageAnyCathy Nelson7-10 weeksprogram costs*November
Freeman-ASIA AwardAnyAny; Need-basedSteve Willssummer; 1-2 semestersprogram costs*January
Frederick Douglass Global FellowshipAnyStudent leaders of colorCathy Nelson, Karla Jensen4 weeksup to $5,000 semester/ $7,000 yearMarch
FulbrightAny, Teaching EnglishSenior (Language may be required)Cathy Nelson1 yearprogram costs*October
US-UK Fulbright Summer InstitutesAnyFirst year, SophomoreCathy Nelson, Karla Jensen3 weeksprogram costs*March
Fulbright Canada Killam ScholarshipsAnyAnyCathy Nelson1-2 semesters$5,000 per semesterJanuary
GilmanAny (Language may be required)Pell Grant recipientSarah Barr, Karla Jensensummer or semesterup to $5,000October, March
JET Japan Exchange and Teaching ProgramAny, Teaching EnglishSeniorSteve Wills, Cathy Nelson1 yearprogram costs*October


Graduate Study (Some International)

ScholarshipDegree/CareerEligibilityNWU Faculty AdvisorLengthValueDeadline
British MarshallAnySeniorCathy Nelson2 yearsUniversity program costs*October
Davies-Jackson (Cambridge)Arts, Humanities, Social SciencesSenior (First in family to graduate college)Cathy Nelson2 years$50,000; Cambridge B.A. degreeNovember
Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate FellowshipSTEMSeniorAustin MohrRenewable up to 4 years$38,000 + tuition and feesJanuary
Gates (Cambridge)Any Liberal Arts majorSeniorCathy Nelson2-3 yearsFull university costs*October
George Mitchell (Ireland)AnySeniorCathy Nelson1 yearFull university costs*September
James MadisonHistory, Education, Political ScienceSeniorPatrick Hayden-Roy2 years$24,000March
NSF Graduate Research FellowshipSTEMSeniorAustin Mohr3 years graduate study$34,000October
Rhodes (Oxford)Any Liberal Arts majorSeniorGerise Herndon2-3 yearsup to $50,000October
SorosAnyNew American; Senior, Post-GradSarah Kelen2 yearsup to $90,000November
Thomas Pickering Foreign Affairs FellowshipForeign AffairsJunior, SeniorGerise Herndon2 years$37,500January
TrumanLeadership, Public ServiceJuniorCathy NelsonFinal year undergrad; several years graduate$30,000February


*More information available regarding covered costs

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Academic Affairs Office, Smith-Curtis 311
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(402) 465-2110
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