Scholarship Will Take NWU Sophomore to Germany for Prestigious Work-Study Program

Scholarship Will Take NWU Sophomore to Germany for Prestigious Work-Study Program


Nebraska Wesleyan University student Ginny Koch came to school with hopes of one day becoming a physician’s assistant.

But her career goal quickly changed after meeting several foreign exchange students who were also studying at NWU. She soon realized that she shared their passion for travel and culture, which led her to declare majors in international business and German.

Little did she know about the opportunities awaiting her.

In March, Koch was awarded a prestigious scholarship called the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) for Young Professionals. The scholarship is a full-year, all expenses paid, work-study program that will send her to Germany.

Nearly 600 students from across the country applied to the 2011-2012 program. Koch is among the 75 students who were selected. She is the first Nebraska Wesleyan student to win the scholarship.

“I remember I was home that day because I wasn’t feeling well,” the sophomore said of learning she received the scholarship. “I started to cry because I was so excited.”

The program begins in July and includes two months of intensive German language training in Germany, four months of classroom instruction at a German university, and a five-month internship in a participant’s career field.

“I’m a little nervous but very excited,” said Koch. “I’m excited to immerse myself in a completely different culture.”