Female student looking at a large monitor surrounded by cubicles with large monitors.
SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE: Updating security certificate supporting wireless network authentication.

SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE: Updating security certificate supporting wireless network authentication.


The current security certificate rad.nebrwesleyan.edu - our primary Radius authentication server securing our wireless networks - will expire on 11/18.  At noon on November 13 CSIT will deploy a new certificate to production prior to that expiration.  The process for deploying the new certificate to production will require only a few minutes, including restarting wireless authentication processes.

While the installation of a new certificate will be brief and the authentication service interrupted for only a few minutes, we know that there is a possibility that some devices or, more specifically, some operating systems of devices which are joined to the nwu-wifi, eduroam and nwu-legacy wireless networks may not respond well to the change.  Issues could range from simply issuing a warning that the certificate has changed to prompting users to re-accept the new security certificate for rad.nebrwesleyan.edu.  In the extreme case, it could require wireless connections on some devices be forgotten and recreated.

If you have any trouble with your devices’ wireless connections following the security certificate update, please visit the CSIT Helpdesk in Smith-Curtis 109 or call the Helpdesk at 402-465-7777 for assistance,