Group shot of Nebraska Wesleyan University employees wear branded sweatshirts
Linda K. Hardy, Ph.D, RN, CNE, CTN-A

Linda K. Hardy, Ph.D, RN, CNE, CTN-A

Professor Emeritus of Nurs
Office hours

Virtual by appointment. lhardy [at] (lhardy[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) 

lhardy [at]
Headshot of Linda K. Hardy, Ph.D, RN, CNE, CTN-A

Learner-centered utilizing the principles of adult education.



R.N. with experience in Labor & Delivery, ED, LTC, Management, Community, & School Nursing
Childbirth Education since 1977; American Red Cross CPR/AED instructor; American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor (WSI)


1976-Diploma-Bryan School of Nursing-Valedictorian
2001-BSN-Nebraska Wesleyan University
2003-MSN-Nebraska Wesleyan University
2011-PhD in Nursing Education-University of Northern Colorado

Courses taught

NURS 3010/5010-Professional Communication in Nursing
NURS 3040-Global Health
NURS 3310-Nursing Theories
NURS 3360-Introduction to Nursing Research & Evidence-based Practice
NURS 4900-Select Topics: Nursing in the 21st Century
(Past-NURS 250-Population Based Nursing Practice and NURS 296-Special Projects)
NURS 5050-Research & Evidence based Practice in Nursing & Health Care
NURS 5100-Transcultural Nursing
NURS 5150-Concepts & Theories
NURS 5990-Major Projects

Research and academic interests

ACADEMIC: Taught Master's level Nursing Theories course at the University of Medicine & Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam March 5-17, 2012 in cooperation with Friendship Bridge Nurses Group. See blog at
Podium presentation at Nurse Educators Conference in the Rockies, Breckenridge, CO-July 21, 2012: Cultural Competence & Racist Attitudes of Direct Patient Care RNs in a Midwestern State.
Podium presentation at the Transcultural Nursing Society Conference, Orlando, FL-October 19, 2012-Cultural Competence & Racist Attitudes of Direct Patient Care RNs in a Midwestern State.
Podium Presentation at the Transcultural Nursing Society Conference: USA and Vietnamese Nurses: Fostering a Transcultural Partnership in Graduate Nursing Education. Albuquerque, NM October 23-26, 2013.
Poster Presentation at the Transcultural Nursing Society Conference: Transcultural Field Trips: Just for Fun or For Learning? Richmond, VA October 16-19, 2019. 
Subtle Cues as Triggers for Nursing Intuition
Development of the Online Learning Experience
Pregnancy and Birth Practices of Vietnamese Women in a Midwestern City
Dissertation Research Project: Cultural Competence and Racist Attitudes of Direct Patient Care RNs in a Midwestern State-Published 2011.
Hardy, L. (2003, September). Informed consent: adolescent minors, surrogate decision-making, and the school nurse. School Nurse News, 20, 28-31.
Hardy, L. (2004, March). Asthma screening: A Research utilization project. School Nurse News, 21, 24-27.
Hardy, L. (2007). Exploration of the concept of Race and implications for health disparities research. Journal of Theory Construction and Testing, 11(2), 46-49.

Service interests

NWU: VP of UC CAPC May 2012-May 2014
Faculty Affairs Committee-Fall 2014-2015
Faculty Development Committee-Fall 2015-2017
Faculty Evaluation Committee-Fall 2018 through Spring 2020
Graduate Committee-Fall 2014

Community: Saunders County Mental Health Board, Professional Member-January, 2014-current

Personal: Teach American Red Cross Swimming Lessons; Coach for Wahoo Track Club and Wahoo Otters Swim Team

Professional and community affiliations, certifications and awards

Professor Emerita-Nursing-May 2020

Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) by National League for Nursing-April 23, 2009; CNE-ret status as of April 2024.
Certified Transcultural Nurse-Advanced (CTN-A) by The Transcultural Nursing Society-July 23, 2009-Current through July 2029. Abstract reviewer for International Transcultural Nursing Society Conference-October 2024.
President of the Nebraska Nurses Association-October 2022-October 2025
Recipient of the Nebraska Nurses Association Outstanding Nurse Educator Award for 2016
Recipient of the District III-Nebraska Nurses Association Graduate Scholarship-2009
Recipient of 2003 Professional Development Award, Bryan Memorial Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae
Recipient of the STT Nu Rho Scholarship-2006
Recipient of the STT Nu Rho Research Grant-2011
Member Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing, 2001-present
First Counselor and Board Member, Nu Rho-at-Large Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, June, 2005 to
June, 2009; President-Elect-June, 2009 to June, 2011; President-July 1, 2011-June 30, 2013; Research Chair; Leadership Succession Committee.
Member American and Nebraska Nurses Association (NNA): Served as Nebraska Vice President and President-Elect; Served as Delegate at the State NNA convention: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, & 2015.
Member Transcultural Nursing Society
Golden Key International Honor Society-November 2008
Past member Nebraska and National School Nurse Association