Eric Wyler, MM
By Appointment

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
-Albert Einstein
Eric Wyler (‘13) is excited to return to NWU as the Director of Music Education. He also acts as Director of the Lincoln Boys Choir (Lincoln, NE) where he proudly conducts the high school ensemble, Vocal Point. Eric previously served as Music Director at St. John Lutheran Church in Council Bluffs, IA where he conducted the Chancel Choir and Bell Choir. Eric has six years of experience as a public school music educator, most recently as Head Director at Lewis Central High School in Council Bluffs, IA. He is an active judge, adjudicator, and clinician for various show choir competitions, choral and vocal solo contests, and honor choirs. Eric and his wife, Lindsy, enjoy spending time with their children, James (10 years), Elijah (8 years), Emilia (5 years), and Jackson (3 years).
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE
• Master of Music, Music Education | August 2021 | GPA: 4.0
Nebraska Wesleyan University Lincoln, NE
• Bachelor of Arts, Music Education | May 2013 | GPA: 3.8 with Distinction
MUSIC-1080 Jazz Choir
MUSIC-1140 - Cover Band/Rock Band
MUSIC-1230 Applied Voice Lessons
MUSIC-2520 Music for Elementary Teachers
MUSIC-3530 Secondary Instrumental Methods
MUSIC-3540 Elementary General Music Methods
MUSIC-3550 Secondary Vocal Music Methods
Masters Thesis:
"When Did You Stop Singing?: Elementary Boys' Attitudes and Efficacy Toward the Act of Singing"
NAfME Collegiate Chapter Advisor
Nebraska Music Educators Association (NMEA)
Nebraska Choral Directors Association (NCDA)
American Orff-Schulwerk Association (AOSA)
Nebraska Festival Singers (NFS) Treasurer