A large group of adults gather outside and eat ice cream treats.
Brent McKain, Ph.D.

Brent McKain, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor in Mathematics and Computer Science
Office location

Acklie 226E

Office hours

By appointment.

bmckain [at] nebrwesleyan.edu
Headshot of Brent McKain, Ph.D.
  • Ph.D. Mathematics, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2017
  • M.S. Mathematics, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2013
  • B.A. Mathematics and Physics, Nebraska Wesleyan University, 2011
Courses taught
  • DATA 1200 - Excel & SQL Programming
  • CMPSC 1100 - Python Programming I
  • MATH 1000 - Mathematics for Liberal Arts
  • MATH 1010 - Mathematics and Democracy
  • MATH 1600 - Calculus I
  • MATH 1610 - Calculus II
  • MATH 2600 - Calculus III
  • MATH 3200 - Linear Algebra
  • MATH 3300 - Mathematical Statistics I
  • MATH 4200 - Abstract Algebra
  • MATH 4300 - Real Analysis
  • MATH *950 - Independent Study
    • Topology (Point-Set, Algebraic)
    • Combinatorics
    • Number Theory and Cryptography
    • Algebra (Ring & Field Theory)
  • MATH 2960 - Special Projects
    • The Great Coffee Challenge (co-led with Drs. Kate Weskamp, Maria Becker, & Kelsey Thiem)
Research and academic interests

Extremal Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Data Science