Brent McKain, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Mathematics and Computer Science
Office hours
By appointment.
bmckain [at]

- Ph.D. Mathematics, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2017
- M.S. Mathematics, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2013
- B.A. Mathematics and Physics, Nebraska Wesleyan University, 2011
Courses taught
- DATA 1200 - Excel & SQL Programming
- CMPSC 1100 - Python Programming I
- MATH 1000 - Mathematics for Liberal Arts
- MATH 1010 - Mathematics and Democracy
- MATH 1600 - Calculus I
- MATH 1610 - Calculus II
- MATH 2600 - Calculus III
- MATH 3200 - Linear Algebra
- MATH 3300 - Mathematical Statistics I
- MATH 4200 - Abstract Algebra
- MATH 4300 - Real Analysis
- MATH *950 - Independent Study
- Topology (Point-Set, Algebraic)
- Combinatorics
- Number Theory and Cryptography
- Algebra (Ring & Field Theory)
- MATH 2960 - Special Projects
- The Great Coffee Challenge (co-led with Drs. Kate Weskamp, Maria Becker, & Kelsey Thiem)
Research and academic interests
Extremal Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Data Science