Aerial view of Old Main in the fall at dusk.
Distinctive academic programs fuel enrollment growth

Distinctive academic programs fuel enrollment growth

  • Nursing student
  • Theatre student
  • Ameritas student
  • Nursing student
  • Theatre student
  • Ameritas student

Back in August, Nebraska Wesleyan University enrolled its largest class in our 131-year history. So how is this recruiting season comparing?

Applications and deposits are above last year’s record pace—by quite a bit.

One reason why: Nebraska Wesleyan offers truly outstanding academic programs in the areas your students are seeking now. Here are just a few examples.

Intensive BFA programs

A Bachelor of Fine Arts offers an intensiveness of study in the fine and performing arts that surpasses a traditional BA. Nebraska Wesleyan’s BFA programs in art and theatre are unlike anything else in the Midwest. In fact, On Stage Blog just named NWU Theatre as one of America’s Top 25 BFA Acting/Performance Programs for 2018-2019.

Direct-entry traditional BSN

At many schools, students must complete several college-level prerequisites before they can be admitted to the BSN program. Nebraska Wesleyan University eliminates that uncertainty with its direct-entry traditional four-year BSN program. Now future nurses can enter Nebraska Wesleyan University as first-year students with full confidence that they are also accepted into our respected nursing program.

Five-year MBA

Do you counsel students who are “all business?” Our Department of Business Administration, Economics and Accounting offers dual-credit courses that count toward an MBA at NWU. With proper planning, they can earn both a BA and a Master of Business Administration from NWU in just five years.

Outstanding reputation for pre-health

Over the last 15 years, an impressive 86 percent of NWU students taking the MCAT have successfully entered medical school. That’s more than double the national medical school entrance rate of 41 percent. That’s right. NWU doubles your students’ odds of getting into medical school. And Nebraska Wesleyan is the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s third-largest feeder school.

NWU’s top five majors by enrollment

  1. Biology
  2. Nursing
  3. Business administration
  4. Psychology
  5. Exercise science

No matter which of NWU’s 134 majors, minors, pre-professional programs and graduate programs your students choose, they’ll benefit from the same emphasis on learning by experience. We give students the life-changing experiences that unlock future academic and professional opportunities.

  • 100 percent of NWU students participate in internships, research, service learning or international travel
  • 40 percent of NWU students study abroad. That’s 25 times the national average

Invite your students to explore Nebraska Wesleyan’s majors and minors today. 

Contact us

Admissions Office
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln NE 68504
(402) 465-2218
admissions [at] (admissions[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)