Aerial view of Old Main in the fall at dusk.
Darrin Good Named NWU’s 17th President

Darrin Good Named NWU’s 17th President

  • Darrin Good
  • Darrin Good

Dr. Darrin Good has been named the 17th President of Nebraska Wesleyan University. He begins at a time when the university is building unprecedented momentum with record enrollment and a $62 million investment in student learning and experiences.

“Dr. Good is an energetic, values-based leader, who is a sincere advocate for the liberal arts,” said Susan Gourley, chair of NWU’s Board of Governors. “He is a champion for diversity and inclusion efforts, as evidenced not only through his vocational journey but through his personal values and qualities.”

Since 2015, Good has served as vice president of academic affairs and dean of the faculty at Whittier College, near Los Angeles, Calif. Whittier College is one of the country’s most ethnically diverse private national liberal arts colleges.

In his role at Whittier, Good is known for his commitment to consensus-building, shared governance, and diversity, equity and inclusion. He helped create and serves on both the school’s Inclusion and Diversity Committee as well as the Student Success Task Force. Good also serves as the Title IX Deputy Director.  

Good has also served as associate provost and dean of science and education at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minn., and as a biology professor at his alma mater, Augustana College in Rock Island, Ill. 

“I am humbled and honored to serve as the 17th president of Nebraska Wesleyan University,” said Good. “The mission and ethos of this great institution resonate deeply with my wife’s and my core values.”

He continued, “I will work tirelessly to continue NWU’s tradition of student-centered learning that is rooted in the liberal arts, its commitment to community engagement, respect for the value and dignity of each individual, and the high impact co-curricular experiences that have been the hallmark of a Nebraska Wesleyan education.”

Good begins his work at NWU on July 1. He takes over for President Fred Ohles who is retiring after 12 years at NWU.

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