Huge-NWU Scholarship

Huge-NWU Scholarship

Nebraska Wesleyan University (NWU), in memory of Harry Huge (‘59) and honor of Reba Huge, will provide one full-ride scholarship that covers the cost of tuition, fees, room and board at NWU. The university will also award scholarships to select finalists and semifinalists.

Start your Huge-NWU Scholarship Application

  1. Apply for admission to NWU
  2. Submit the Huge-NWU Scholarship Application by 11:59 p.m. Central on December 1.

Huge-NWU Scholarships

  • One winner receives the full-ride Huge-NWU Scholarship that covers ALL tuition, fees, room and board for four years.
  • Finalists receive a $24,000 academic scholarship + a $4,000 Huge-NWU Commendation Scholarship each year.
  • Semifinalists receive a $24,000 academic scholarship + a $1,000 Huge-NWU Recognition Scholarship each year.

Recipients of the full-ride scholarship and the commendation scholarship are inducted into the NWU Huge Society.

To qualify, a student must:

  1. Attend an accredited high school or home school anywhere in the United States and graduate from such accredited high school in the spring of the academic year in which applications are due.
  2. Have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.75 or higher (weighted on 4.0 scale). 
    The qualifying GPA is based on the GPA included on the transcript provided as part of the Huge-NWU Scholarship application.
  3. Submit the Nebraska Wesleyan University application for admission.
    Students will create an NWU application account with their email address and a password.
  4. Submit the Huge-NWU Scholarship Application by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on December 1.
    To access the scholarship application, students will log in to their NWU application account (see step 2 above).

Huge-NWU Scholarship Application Information

The application consists of the following sections:

  1. Personal information and educational history
  2. Extracurricular activities, honors and awards – Applicants will attach an activity resume outlining any extracurricular activities and academic honors or awards received during high school. The activities, honors and awards should be listed in order of significance to the applicant and include the activity name, participation years, offices held, and honors or awards received.
  3. Summer programs and employment
    • Applicants will list summer programs (e.g., Girls’/Boys’ State, band camp, church camp, etc.) attended during or following high school and the year attended.
    • Applicants will list employment experiences during the academic year or summer and include job title, approximate hours worked per month and dates employed.
  4. College plans – Applicants will indicate the intended academic area(s) of study and their intention to apply for financial aid.
  5. Two essays – Applicants are to reflect on the following questions and respond in two typed essays, no longer than one page each in length.
    • Describe the most important event (or events) in your life that has accounted for your achievements, values and goals, including your family, your community, and your peers and that has made you want to apply for this scholarship to Nebraska Wesleyan University.
    • Choose a national or world issue you feel important to address. Tell us why you chose this issue and detail your plans on how you would implement change. What role would you have, skills would you use, and what resources are necessary for success?
  6. High school transcript – Send an official high school transcript to the Nebraska Wesleyan University Admissions Office. The transcript must include all grades through the junior year. If available, senior year grades should be provided as well.
  7. Two letters of recommendation
    • Letters of recommendation should come from two adults who know the applicant well and can speak to qualities such as dedication to studies, academic and leadership potential, extracurricular involvement in school and in community services, work ethic and experience, and character.
    • The first recommendation must be from a school member (e.g. - teacher, coach, director, counselor, etc.) who has taught or coached the applicant in an academic subject or athletic team in the junior or senior year.
    • The second recommendation must be from a community member - an adult outside of the school who knows the applicant from the community, such as a neighbor, employer, Scout leader, or religious leader.
    • Applicants must submit the Huge Recommendation Request where they will provide the names of those who will provide letters of recommendation.  Recommenders will then be notified of the request via email and will be prompted to upload the letters of recommendation for applicants.  Recommendation letters must be received by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on December 1.
  8. Financial aid – Financial need is a factor considered during the selection process. Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to submit the FAFSA by January 15, 2024.

Selection process

A scholarship committee consisting of selected members from the faculty and administration of NWU reviews applications. Representatives from NWU will interview these finalists to determine the award winners.

NWU will select one full-ride Huge-NWU Scholarship winner based on application and interview. NWU strongly considers academic achievement and credentials, such as an applicant’s high school rank within their class, their curriculum and GPA. NWU gives equal weight to leadership qualities, activities, community service, work experience outside of school, honors and recognition by his or her peers. NWU also evaluates an applicant’s personal qualities and interests as demonstrated in the letters of recommendation, the applicant’s essays and by the experiences and activities pursued both in and out of high school. The financial need of the applicants and standardized test scores (i.e., ACT and SAT) are other factors considered in awarding the scholarships. NWU does not assign percentage weights to these factors in determining the finalists and eventual winners.

NWU will notify all applicants of their status on or before February 1 of the academic year of application.

Finalists are interviewed on NWU campus in Lincoln, Nebraska, on or before March 10. The interviews are conducted so that NWU representatives and the applicant have the opportunity to personally meet, ask questions and get to know each other. If, for a compelling reason, the applicant cannot travel to Lincoln for a personal interview, NWU will conduct the interview by video conferencing.

NWU will notify all finalists, by telephone and confirmation letter, as to the final scholarship decision on or before March 20.

Huge-NWU Scholarships will be awarded to the most qualified applicants regardless of whether they will receive grants or scholarships from other sources to attend NWU, and to students enrolled in any academic major course of study or studies or to enrolled students who have not yet decided upon an academic major.

Scholarship benefits and requirements

Recipients of the full-ride scholarship and the commendation scholarship are inducted into NWU’s Huge Society. As a Huge scholar, you’ll receive Nebraska Wesleyan’s unparalleled attention in support of your biggest goals. Past scholars have reached Harvard Law, Stanford University, the top Ph.D. program in genetics and more.

Contact or visit us

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Financial Aid Office, Smith-Curtis 207
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln NE 68504
(402) 465-2167 Fax (402) 465-2194

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