Work Breaks

Work Breaks

Policy title
Work Breaks
Human Resources
Human Resources
Approved by
Administrative Council
Policy statement

Durineacfour-(4) hour working period, an employeiallowed onpaififteen-(15minute resperiowhicis limited to fifteen(15) minutes of absencfrom thjob.

  •  The resperiois precedeby anfollowed by an extended work period; thusimay not be useto cover anlate arrival to work or early departure, nor maibe regardeas cumulativif notaken.
  •  Resperiods are to be scheduled bthe supervisor, whwill advise an employeof the scheduled timand placfor such resperiods.
  •   Resperiods are schedulein accordance with operational needs of thwork unit and, dutwork requirements a resperiod may be canceled entirely.

Questions about this policy and implementation procedures should be referred to the Human Resource Office.