A podium and backdrop with the Nebraska Wesleyan University logo.
U.S. Ambassador to Address NWU Graduates

U.S. Ambassador to Address NWU Graduates

  • Cameron Munter
    Cameron Munter, a U.S. foreign service officer, will address the Class of 2014 at commencement on May 17.
  • Alice Dittman
    Alice Dittman, the first female bank president in Lincoln, will receive an honorary degree on May 17.
  • Robert Jewett
    Robert Jewett ('55) has lectured extensively on religion across four continents. He will receive an honorary degree on May 17.
  • Blaine Rieke
    Blaine Rieke ('55) spent 20 years as chief executive officer of a Milwaukee-based bank. He will receive an honorary degree.
  • Cameron Munter
    Cameron Munter, a U.S. foreign service officer, will address the Class of 2014 at commencement on May 17.
  • Alice Dittman
    Alice Dittman, the first female bank president in Lincoln, will receive an honorary degree on May 17.
  • Robert Jewett
    Robert Jewett ('55) has lectured extensively on religion across four continents. He will receive an honorary degree on May 17.
  • Blaine Rieke
    Blaine Rieke ('55) spent 20 years as chief executive officer of a Milwaukee-based bank. He will receive an honorary degree.

Ambassador Cameron Munter will deliver the address at Nebraska Wesleyan University’s 125th commencement on Saturday, May 17.

His address will be shared with approximately 565 undergraduate and graduate students during commencement exercises, which begin at 6:30 p.m. on Taylor Commons, located on the university’s campus.

Munter is a distinguished public servant often called upon to lead United States diplomacy in the most complex and difficult international situations. He was U.S. ambassador to Pakistan during the contentious period of 2010-2012. He was ambassador to Serbia when Kosovo declared its independence in 2008. He twice served in Iraq, first on the Provincial Reconstruction Team in Mosul in 2006 and then as deputy chief of mission in Baghdad in 2010. Previously he was deputy chief of mission in Poland and the Czech Republic.

Munter has also served as the National Security Council’s director of Central Europe under President Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush. He was chief of staff of the State Department’s NATO Enlargement Ratification Office during 1997-98.

He now teaches international relations at Pomona College in Claremont, Calif., is a non-resident fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and a Senior Director of the Albright Stonebridge Group in Washington.

Nebraska Wesleyan will recognize Munter with an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree. Other honorary degrees will be bestowed on banking executive Alice Dittman, Honorary Doctor of Laws degree; New Testament scholar Robert Jewett, Honorary Doctor of Sacred Theology, and banking executive Blaine Rieke, Honorary Doctor of Laws.

Commencement day begins with a hooding ceremony for master’s degree candidates at 1 p.m. at First United Methodist Church. A baccalaureate service for all graduates begins at 4 p.m. at the church, located at 50th Street & St. Paul Ave., with an outdoor commencement ceremony on Taylor Commons at 6:30 p.m.