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Despite Scrutiny, Student Says Internship Surrounding Affordable Healthcare Act is Rewarding

Despite Scrutiny, Student Says Internship Surrounding Affordable Healthcare Act is Rewarding

  • Alex Langley
    Senior Alex Langley is spending her fall semester interning with Enroll America.
  • Alex Langley
    Senior Alex Langley is spending her fall semester interning with Enroll America.

Nebraska Wesleyan University senior Alexandra Langley is watching U.S. political history unfold right before her very eyes.

The political science and Spanish double major is working and studying in Washington, D.C. this semester through the university’s Capitol Hill Internship Program (CHIP). She is a data fellow at Enroll America, a nonpartisan organization that enrolls uninsured Americans in health care coverage made available by the Affordable Healthcare Act.

Langley, a senior from Tekamah, works under the regional data directors, helping to make outreach efforts more efficient and effective by managing data entry. Studying data entry in research methods class at Nebraska Wesleyan inspired her to seek an internship in this field.

Despite the scrutiny surrounding the Affordable Healthcare Act, Enroll America’s mission is consumer-focused rather than politically-focused. Their goal, she said, is to help uninsured Americans find the best healthcare options.

“America is in the midst of healthcare history,” said Langley. “I am humbled to be a part of it and remain positive about the direction America and our healthcare system is heading.”

Her experience interning for Enroll America has inspired Langley to pursue a career in public healthcare.

“I am excited for future opportunities to advance efforts on issues that are important to me and to continue making a positive difference in the lives of Americans,” she said.